Keynote lecture
Kunstuniversität Linz/AT (& online)
date: 09 September 2021
tags: AI art, posthumanism, algorithmic governance
Coinciding with this year’s Ars Electronica Festival, I’m delighted to have been invited to give a keynote lecture at the Kunstuniversität (University of Art & Design) in Linz, as part of their Critical Data symposium (details forthcoming).
Abstract: Are we witnessing a coming of ‘creative AI,’ and the emergence of a data science that will overcome the existential perils of the Anthropocene? Or is AI, as some are warning, about to emancipate capital from humanity (rather than the other way around)? Building on the concept of algorithmic adjudication and its manifestations in tools such as AI-based digital rights management systems, this talk explores tactical uses of AI through which artists critique and disrupt the outsourcing of codified decision-making to computational agency.
I’m excited to attend the symposium in person (the talk will also be streamed online).