Abertay University, Dundee/UK
date: 01 May 2024
tags: gamification, financialisation, symposium, research network
We are pleased to present the program for an interdisciplinary symposium on the problematic convergence of gamification (adding game mechanics to non-game environments) and financialisation (embedding financial processes in non-finance contexts).
At a moment when playful activities are becoming more and more financialised (such as in monetised casual videogames) and when we experience financial activities as more and more gamified (such as in many online banking and investment apps), how does this impact our attitudes towards money, finance, the value of attention, and our agency in online activities?
In light of such developments, how should we rethink the concept of play?
May 31 and June 1 2024
In-person and live-streamed
Abertay University
Event Space (Kydd Building, Bell St., Ground Floor)
Dundee, Scotland
Organised and hosted by Dr. Darshana Jayemanne and Dr. Martin Zeilinger
Funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE)
Additional support from the School of Design & Informatics, Abertay University
UPDATED LINK DAY 2 Live stream: Link
Access a PDF of the program here and digital copies of abstracts/bios here
Prof. James Bown, Dean of the School of Design & Informatics, Abertay University
Dr. Darshana Jayemanne (Senior Lecturer in Games and Arts, Abertay University)
Dr. Martin Zeilinger (Reader in Computational Media, Abertay University)
Dr. Bjorn Nansen (Senior Lecturer in Media and Communications, University of Melbourne)
Dr. Lauren Bliss (Research Fellow, School of Culture and Communications, University of Melbourne)
Daniel Nielsen (PhD Candidate in Media Studies, Charles University)
Dr. Anne Mette Thorhauge (Assoc. Professor in Communication and IT, Center for Tracking and Society, University of Copenhagen)
Alberto Calleo (PhD Candidate, Advanced Design Unit, University of Bologna)
Dr. Anne Mette Thorhauge (Assoc. Professor in Communication and IT, Center for Tracking and Society, University of Copenhagen)
Daniel Nielsen (PhD Candidate in Media Studies, Charles University)
Dr. Ashley Woodward (Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Dundee University)
Sam Pizelo (PhD Candidate, Dept. of English, University of California, Davis)
Dr. Rachel O’Dwyer (Lecturer in Digital Cultures, National College of Art and Design, Dublin)
Respondent: Adrian Hon (Game designer and author)
Jiaxi Hou (PhD Candidate, Interdisciplinary Information Studies, University of Tokyo)
Inte Gloerich (PhD Candidate in Media and Culture Studies, Utrecht University and Amsterdam University of Applied Science)
Dr. Daniel Joseph (Senior Lecturer of Digital Sociology, Manchester Metropolitan University)
Alesha Serada (PhD Candidate, University of Vaasa)
Dr. Dominic Smith (Senior Lecturer, Philosophy, Dundee University)
Dr. Hadi Mehrpouya (Artist and Lecturer in Computer Games Technology, Abertay University
Dr. Tom Brock (Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Manchester Metropolitan University)
Dr. Max Haiven (Canada Research Chair in the Radical Imagination, Lakehead University)
in conversation with
Dr. Aleena Chia (Lecturer in Media, Communications and Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths University)
Facilitated by Martin and Darshana